What is this module about?
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This module will help you to define your own go-to-market for your Business Intelligence offer. Unlike previous modules, it is relatively generic and most proposed actions can also apply to other offers.
A common mistake that we have seen with many companies in the definition of their go-to-market is to rush to the tactics prior to define the strategy. As the "productization" process stands out from the typical service or resell approach, we are strongly recommending to highlight the differences between your current go-to-market and the one that is described here.
The module contains one video to watch. You may define your own go-to-market framework as you wish.
Content of the video:
- Definition of Business Intelligence (reminder)
- Defining customer target and the importance of segmentation
- Segments for Business Intelligence
- How to ensure the proper focus
- Defining acquisition target
- 7 go-to-market steps
- Why go-to-market is different in a subscription business
- Innovation marketing-raising interest
- Generating leads and consent marketing
- Structuring web presence for productized solutions
- Sales structure and incentive
- Friction-less customer relationship
- Customer success
Goal of this video:
At the end of the video, you should:
- Define the customers you want to address (vertical segments and A, B & C)
- Define how you could ease your customer acquisition, fremium, promotion,...
- Define how you want to structure your offer to ensure a proper focus
- Define how to build your web presence (webpage, structure)
- Define how you want to generate leads
- Define your sales approach, organization and incentives
- Define how to ease the customer transaction
- Define how you will follow up withthe customer
- Put all your activities in a timing framework to ensure the proper execution (100-day plan)
- Check you have the right capacity and capability
Confirmer l'entreprise
Données de la compagnie fournies par Clearbit (www.clearbit.com)
Il s'agit du numéro IDE/TVA. Exemple de format : CHE-123.456.789
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